четверг, 4 сентября 2014 г.

Download PHD Virtual RTA Calculator

Download PHD Virtual RTA Calculator
Downloads: 310
License / Price: Freeware / $0
OS: Windows All
Last Updated: November 28th, 2013, 13:12 UTC

PHD Virtual RTA Calculator is a handy and comprehensive application worth having when you need to estimate and calculate the time needed to recover critical virtual machines and their applications.

First thing first, when launching the utility, you are required to connect to a vCenter server by entering the IP address you want to connect to, as well as adding a valid user name and its password. Then, after the connection has been successfully established, you can add as many virtual machines as you want to manage.

PHD Virtual RTA Calculator comes with a wizard driven interface that allows you to connect to any VMware you want. Once you add the VMs, the utility prompts you to select the VMware you wish to time for an RTA estimation, as well as set the appropriate boot order, then check the RTA (Recovery Time Actual) coefficient.

Actually, the RTA is mostly established during an event based on recovery methodology the support team develops and works very well in conjunction with RTO (recovery time objective).

After selecting the VMs you are interested in, the utility takes a snapshot and creates linked clones for each VMware. Thanks to these tasks, the VM creation process is very quick and allows you to perform several configurations effortlessly.

Then, when all the parameters and settings are well set, you have the possibility to calculate the total time that takes you to boot all the VMs you selected and get a quick estimation of your RTA coefficient.

Overall, the general impression that PHD Virtual RTA Calculator makes is that of a steady and real-time calculator that quickly calculates how long it will take to recover your virtual machines.

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